



Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin’sRegular Press Conference on多方面了解机构的资历,年限,时间久的机构肯定要更加专业,毕竟是有经验了的。总的来说,自考是需要多花些时间和精力的,大家可以自己报名报考参加考试,也可以通过机构报名报考参加考试,之后认真的面对每一次的考试,争取早一点考完拿证。广州自考本科怎么选专业比较简单? ?February 21, 2023

总台央视记者:今天上午,外交部举办了主题为“全球安全倡议:破解安全困境的中国方案”的蓝厅论坛,能否介绍这场活动的详细情况?中方举办这场活动的主要考虑是什么?希望通过这场活动传递什么信息?  CCTV: The Foreign Ministry held a Lanting Forum this morning under the theme of the Global Security Initiative: China’s Proposal for Solving Security Challenges. Could you share more details on this event? What are China’s considerations for it? What 备考自学的同学,到当地教育考试院查看自己专业所有科目,然后找教材,一步一个脚印开始学习。报辅导班的同学,只需根据老师的要求来,考试规划、时间安排等老师都会帮你安排好,其他事情不用操心,好好学习就行了。三、网上注册报名自考大多数省份报考时间,一般会在每年2、3月和8、9月开始报名。不同地方时间不同,建议留意当地考试院通知。 message do you want to convey?

汪文斌:今天上午,外交部举办蓝厅论坛,正式发布《全球安全倡议概念文件》。秦刚外长出席开幕式并发表主旨演讲,联合国前秘书长潘基文和斯洛文尼亚前总统图尔克发表视频致辞,来自有关国家的前政要、各国驻华使节和国际组织驻华代表、中外知名专家学者等以线上线下相结合方式齐聚蓝厅,围绕如何践行全球安全倡议、破解人类安全困境共商研讨,活动取得圆满成功。  Wang Wenbin: This morning, our ministry held the Lanting Forum and officially releases The Global Security Initiative ConceptPaper. Foreign Minister Qin Gang attended the opening ceremony and delivered a keynote speech. Former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and former President of Slovenia Danilo Türk addressed the event via video messages. Former political dignitaries, diplomatic envoys and representatives of international organizations in China and renowned experts and scholars from both at home and abroad attended this event in an online-plus-offline format. They had discussions that look into the ways to implement the GSI and solve the security challenges facing humanity. The event was a full success.

2022年4月,习近平主席提出全球安全倡议,倡导走一条对话而不对抗、结伴而不结盟、共赢而非零和的新型安全之路,为消弭国际冲突根源、破解人类安全困境提供了新方向新思路。秦刚外长在主旨演讲中深入阐述全球安全倡议的时代价值和世界意义,系统概括《全球安全倡议概念文件》明确的重点合作方向,鼓励各国坚持相互尊重、开放包容、多边主义、互利共赢、统筹兼顾,共同推动倡议落地生根、开花结果,体现了中国同世界各国同舟共济、守望相助的真诚意愿,彰显了中方致力于维护全球稳定、促进共同安全的大国责任与担当。  In April 2022, President Xi Jinping put forward the Global Security Initiative (GSI), which aims to create a new path to security that features dialogue over confrontation, partnership over alliance and win-win over zero-sum. It provides a new course and new approach to addressing the root causes of international conflicts and solving security challenges facing humanity. In his keynote speech, Foreign Minister Qin gave a thorough explanation on why we need the GSI in today’s world. He outlined the priorities of cooperation as identified in the concept paper and called for mutual respect, openness and inclusion, multilateralism, mutual benefit and win-win and a holistic approach as part of the efforts to present more deliverables. All this speaks to China’s sincerity and readiness to stand together and seek mutual assistance with other countries and its commitment to upholding global stability and promoting common security as a responsible major country.?

制定发布《全球安全倡议概念文件》是中方推进落实全球安全倡议的一项重要举措。这份文件进一步阐释了倡议的核心理念和原则,针对当前最突出最紧迫的国际安全关切提出20个重点合作方向,涵盖发挥联合国作用、推动政治解决热点问题、应对传统和非传统安全挑战、完善全球安全治理等多个方面,并就倡议合作平台和机制提出设想。目前,已有80多个国家和地区组织对全球安全倡议表示赞赏支持。相信随着《概念文件》的发布,会有越来越多国家和组织加入到倡议落实进程中来,汇聚起更广泛支持倡议的国际共识与行动合力。  The formulation and release of the concept paper is an important step we’ve taken in following through on the GSI. This document further expounds the core ideas and principles of the GSI, lays out 20 priorities of cooperation in response to the most significant and pressing international security concerns at present including upholding the UN’s central role, facilitating political settlement of hotspot issues, tackling traditional and non-traditional security challenges and strengthening the system and capacity for global security governance. The document also identifies platforms and mechanisms of cooperation. So far, more than 80 countries and regional organizations have commended and expressed support for the GSI. We are convinced that with the release of the concept paper, more and more countries and organizations will join in the effort to implement the initiative and form greater synergy in international consensus and action to transform it into reality.

中国是全球安全倡议的提出者,也是维护世界和平安宁的行动派。我们愿同各方一道,协力应对各种传统和非传统安全挑战,并肩守护地球家园的和平安宁,共同谱写落实全球安全倡议新篇章,携手开创人类更加美好的未来。  The GSI is simply part of China’s broader effort to safeguard world peace and security. We stand ready to work with all parties to jointly address traditional and non-traditional security challenges, safeguard peace and tranquility on the planet, open a new chapter in the implementation of the GSI and create a brighter future for humanity.

彭博社记者:你可否具体阐释全球安全倡议对乌克兰战争意味着什么?这一倡议与中方即将提出的政治解决乌克兰危机立场文件有何关联?  Bloomberg: Just on the GSI, I wonder is it possible to drill down a little bit more in terms of what the GSI means in terms of the Ukraine war? What, if any, is the connection with the peace proposal that we’re waiting from China? Can you elaborate a little bit?

汪文斌:我愿进一步向大家介绍《全球安全倡议概念文件》的相关内容。全球安全倡议既有顶层设计的宏观思维,又有解决实际问题的方法路径,将从理念和实践两个层面对维护地区和平、促进国际安全发挥重要作用。  Wang Wenbin: I would like to talk a little bit more about The Global Security Initiative ConceptPaper. The Global Security Initiative (GSI) is informed by a big picture of overarching plan and lays out practical measures to address global security challenges. It will play an important role in safeguarding regional peace and promoting international security in both conceptual and practical terms.

一方面,加强理念引领,凝聚国际共识。当前,世界进入新的动荡变革期,国际社会面临“世界需要什么样的安全理念、各国怎样实现共同安全”的时代课题。全球安全倡议坚持共同、综合、合作、可持续的安全观,倡导走出一条对话而不对抗、结伴而不结盟、共赢而非零和的新型安全之路,对时代之问作出了契合潮流大势的回答。这些对于推动和平解决当今世界面临的热点问题都是具有启发和借鉴意义的。倡议自提出以来,已有80多个国家和国际组织表示赞赏支持,倡议的国际感召力充分彰显,理念引领力日益增强。  On the one hand, the GSI provides conceptual guidance and will gather international consensus. As the world enters a period of uncertainty and transformation, the international community has to answer the question of the times--what kind of security concept the world needs and how to achieve common security for all countries. The GSI is committed to the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security and advocates a new path to security that features dialogue over confrontation, partnership over alliance and win-win over zero-sum. It is a proposal that is in line with the trend of the times, which provides inspiration and makes sense for the peaceful settlement of hotspot issues in today’s world. Since its inception, more than 80 countries and international organizations have expressed approval and support for the GSI. This initiative has shown greater appeal to the international community and played a growing role in conceptual guidance.

另一方面,提供实践遵循,指明行动方向。全球安全倡议不仅为破解全球安全赤字确立了理念原则,更提供了方法路径。例如,倡议呼吁通过对话协商以和平方式解决国家间分歧和争端,强调统筹维护传统领域和非传统领域安全,这正是中方在应对全球安全挑战上的一贯主张和秉持的方式方法。  On the other hand, the GSI provides principles for practice and chart the course for action. The GSI identifies not only the concepts and principles for, but also the path and approach to addressing global security deficits. For example, it advocates peacefully resolving differences and disputes between countries through dialogue and consultation and maintaining security in both traditional and non-traditional domains, and that is what China has been committed to in addressing global security challenges.?

中方今天发布《全球安全倡议概念文件》,针对当前国际社会最突出最紧迫的安全关切提出了二十个重点合作方向,并围绕合作平台和机制提出建议设想,使全球安全倡议行动导向更加突出、推进方向更加明确。相信随着越来越多爱好和平、致力发展的国家和国际组织参与进来,全球安全倡议将加快落地见效,为消弭国际冲突根源、应对国际安全挑战注入新的动力。The Global Security Initiative ConceptPaper released today lays out 20 priorities of cooperation in response to the most significant and pressing security concerns of the international community, and identifies the platforms and mechanisms of cooperation. This concept paper enables the GSI to be more action-oriented. We are convinced that with the participation of more peace-loving and development-committed countries and international organizations, the GSI will be able to deliver soon and serve as a new source for addressing root causes of international conflicts and addressing international security challenges.

关于你提到的中方将发布关于政治解决乌克兰危机的立场文件,我们此前已经做了介绍。这份文件将重申习近平主席的重要主张,包括各国主权领土完整都应得到尊重,联合国宪章宗旨原则都应得到遵守,各国合理安全关切都应得到重视,一切有利于和平解决危机的努力都应得到支持等方面的内容。这些同全球安全倡议倡导的理念、原则都是相通的。我们会适时发布相关消息,请大家保持关注。  As to the upcoming position document on seeking political settlement of the Ukraine crisis which you asked about, we shared information the other day. The document will reaffirm President Xi Jinping’s important propositions, including respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, upholding the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, taking seriously the legitimate security concerns of all countries, and supporting all efforts conducive to a peaceful resolution of the crisis. These are consistent with the concept and principles laid out in the GSI. There will be more on this in due course.

塔斯社记者:消息人士称,中共中央政治局委员、中央外事工作委员会办公室主任王毅今天下午将抵达莫斯科。你能否介绍王毅主任访俄日程?中方对此访有何期待?  TASS: According to our sources, Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Wang Yi is due to arrive in Moscow this afternoon. Can you give us some details on the agenda of the visit and what are your expectations on this visit?

汪文斌:上周,我们已经发布了中共中央政治局委员、中央外事工作委员会办公室主任王毅将访问俄罗斯的消息。中方愿以此访为契机,同俄方一道推动双边关系继续沿着两国元首确定的方向稳步前进,维护双方的正当权益,为世界和平发挥积极作用。有关消息我们也会及时发布。  Wang Wenbin: Last week, we announced that Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Wang Yi would visit Russia. China would like to take the opportunity of this visit to work with Russia to promote the steady growth of the bilateral relations in the direction identified by our presidents, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of both sides, and play a positive role for world peace. We will release relevant information in a timely manner.

总台华语环球节目中心记者:据报道,美国常务副国务卿舍曼表示,毫无疑问中国是一个越来越大的挑战,因为中国有能力挑战基于规则的国际秩序。中国本为建立该国际秩序做出过贡献,但中国现在想要摆脱它,并建立只为中国服务的规则。请问中方对此有何评论?  CCTV: According to reports, Deputy Secretary of State of the US Wendy Sherman said that there is no doubt China is a growing challenge, given its ability to challenge the rules-based international order that it helped develop but wants to get rid of now. It wants to make its own rules, which will serve no one but itself. What’s your comment?

汪文斌:中方是国际秩序的维护者,始终坚定维护以联合国为核心的国际体系、以国际法为基础的国际秩序、以联合国宪章宗旨和原则为基础的国际关系基本准则。破坏、践踏国际规则和秩序的不是中方而是美方。新华社昨天刚刚发布了《美国的霸权霸道霸凌及其危害》报告,揭示了美方霸权行径对世界和平稳定和国际规则、秩序造成的严重危害。  Wang Wenbin: China is a defender of the international order. We always firmly safeguard the UN-centered international system, the international order based on international law and the basic norms of international relations underpinned by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. It is the US, not China, that undermines and tramples on international rules and order. Xinhua News Agency released a report yesterday entitled US Hegemony and Its Perils, exposing the grave harm US hegemonic acts have done to world peace, stability and international rules and order.

美国推行肆意妄为的政治霸权,从“新门罗主义”到“颜色革命”,从“五眼联盟”到“四边机制”,在世界各地煽动对抗、制造分裂。美国推行穷兵黩武的军事霸权,从阿富汗到伊拉克再到叙利亚,2001年以来,美国以反恐之名发动战争和军事行动已造成超过90万人死亡,在全球制造了3700万难民。美国推行巧取豪夺的经济霸权,从操纵国际经济金融组织、胁迫打压对手,到大搞单边制裁和“长臂管辖”,嘴上说着公平正义,心里想的只有自己的“生意”。美国推行垄断打压的科技霸权,借保护知识产权之名大搞垄断,以国家安全为名将科技问题政治化、武器化、意识形态化,大搞“无差别”监听窃密,成为名副其实的“黑客帝国”。美国推行蛊惑人心的文化霸权,一边培植自身“黑金、黑论、黑嘴”的舆论产业链条,一边通过种种手段让别国媒体“消音”,以此操纵国际舆论。  The US abuses its political hegemony and is used to throwing its weight around. From the “Neo-Monroe Doctrine” to color revolutions, from the Five Eyes to the Quad, it has been creating division and stoking confrontation all over the world. The US abuses its military hegemony with wanton use of force. From Afghanistan to Iraq and Syria, since 2001, the wars and military operations launched by the US in the name of fighting terrorism have claimed over 900,000 lives and created 37 million refugees around the world. The US abuses its economic hegemony featured by looting and exploitation. From abusing its control over international economic and financial organizations, to willfully suppressing its opponents with coercion and doubling down on unilateral sanctions and “long-arm jurisdiction”, the US claims to uphold fairness and justice, but all it ever cares about is how to advance its selfish interests. The US abuses its technological hegemony underpinned by monopoly and suppression. It monopolizes intellectual property in the name of protection, politicizes, weaponizes technological issues and uses them as ideological tools in the name of safeguarding national security, and carries out indiscriminate eavesdropping, becoming a true “empire of hackers”. The US abuses its cultural hegemony to spread false narratives. It has built an industrial chain to finance, produce and peddle misinformation while using various means to silence media of other countries. This is how it seeks to manipulate public opinion.

事实充分表明,美国是当之无愧的国际规则和秩序头号破坏者,霸权霸道霸凌就是对待国际规则、处理国际事务的“美式标准”。不久前,美方不顾中方多次介绍有关情况,无视基本事实,编造“间谍气球”叙事,拜登总统亲自下令,悍然出动战机击落中方飞艇,这正是美方霸道霸凌作派的又一鲜活例证。  Facts have fully proven that the US is the top disruptor of international rules and order. Hegemony is the hallmark of its approach to international rules and international affairs. Not long ago, despite China’s repeated communication, the US turned a blind eye to the plain facts and weaved the “spy balloon” narrative. President Biden gave the order and US fighter jets blatantly shot down the Chinese airship. This is yet another example of US hegemony.

奉劝美方,与其给别人乱扣“帽子”,不如反躬自省,纠正错误,摒弃霸权、尊重主权,摒弃霸道、共谋和平相处之道,摒弃霸凌、致力于互利共赢。  Rather than throw unfounded allegations around, the US should reflect on itself, correct its erroneous practices, relinquish its hold on hegemony, and seek peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation with other countries on the basis of respect for sovereignty.?

法新社记者:台湾“总统”蔡英文表示,台湾将更积极地与美国进行合作,来应对所谓的威权主义的扩张。你对此有何评论?  AFP: Taiwan president Tsai Ing-wen noted that Taiwan will work more actively with the US in face of the so-called expansion of autocracy. What is your comment?

汪文斌:我们已经在记者会上多次纠正过相关错误说法,我今天再纠正一次。台湾是中国的一部分,没有什么“总统”,你提到的只是中国一个地方领导人。  Wang Wenbin: Let me point out once again the mistake of referring to the leader of the Taiwan region as “president” even though we have done it many times from this podium. Taiwan is part of China and there is no so-called “Taiwan president”. The person you mentioned is just a regional leader of China.

我们要强调的是,一个中国原则是中美关系的政治基础,也是国际社会的普遍共识。中方一贯坚决反对美台军事联系、美售台武器。民进党当局的“台独”挑衅,改变不了台湾是中国一部分的事实,撼动不了国际社会普遍坚持一个中国原则的格局,改变不了中国必然统一的大势。任何挟洋自重、妄图破坏两岸关系的分裂图谋和行径,只能自食恶果,绝不会得逞。  Let me stress that the one-China principle is the political foundation of China-US relations and a prevailing consensus among the international community. China is strongly opposed to the US’s military ties with and arms sales to Taiwan. The “Taiwan independence” provocations of the DPP authorities will not change the fact that Taiwan is part of China or cause international support to falter over the one-China principle, and still less change the irreversible trend toward China’s reunification.?Any separatist attempt or act of soliciting foreign support to undermine cross-Strait relations will only backfire and will not succeed.

澎湃新闻记者:我们注意到,美国国务卿布林肯近日表示,中国“知道”如果向俄罗斯提供致命性支援将面临的后果。不过他拒绝说明如中方漠视警告,美方将施加什么“后果”。请问中方对此有何回应?  The Paper: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently said that China knows that there would be consequences were China to provide lethal assistance to Russia. But he refused to lay out what the consequences would be if China ignored the warning. What’s your comment??

汪文斌:美方是乌克兰战场最大的武器提供者,昨天美方还宣布再向乌克兰提供5亿美元军事援助,美方现在却不断散布中方提供武器的虚假信息,居心何在?美方口口声声要维护和平,实际上却大发战争财,美国的军工企业从乌克兰战场赚得盆满钵满,良心何在?美方曾在阿富汗推行要“战斗到最后一个阿富汗人”的政策,难道今天还要让乌克兰“战斗到最后一个乌克兰人”吗?  Wang Wenbin: The US is the biggest source of weaponry for the battlefield in Ukraine. Just yesterday, the US side announced a further $500 million worth of military aid to Ukraine. It makes people wonder what the US is up to by falsely claiming that China is offering weapons, and whether the US finds it conscionable to tell the world it wants peace and yet sit and watch its defense industry lining up their pocket. We all saw what the US did in Afghanistan with its strategy of “fighting to the last Afghan”. Does it now want Ukraine to “fight till the last Ukrainian”?

事实早已撕下了美国“和平捍卫者”的假面具,暴露了其“唯恐天下不乱”的真面目。  There are more than enough facts to show the true nature of the US as a source of trouble rather than “defender of peace” for the world.

中俄全面战略协作伙伴关系建立在不结盟、不对抗、不针对第三方的基础上,是两个独立国家主权范围之内的事情。我们从不接受美国对中俄关系指手画脚甚至胁迫施压。美方应当切实反思自身所作所为,停止再做拱火浇油、趁火打劫、趁机牟利的事情,和中方一样真正致力于劝和促谈。  The China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination is built on the basis of non-alliance, non-confrontation and non-targeting of any third party, which is within the sovereign right of any two independent states. We do not accept the US’s finger-pointing or even coercion targeting China-Russia relations. The US should seriously reflect on what it has done, stop fanning the flames or profiting from it, and stay truly committed to promoting peace talks as China has been doing.

路透社记者:中方表示全球安全倡议将捍卫《联合国宪章》。一年前,路透社等媒体记者曾向外交部提问,了解中方是否认为根据联合国宪章原则,俄罗斯入侵乌克兰侵犯了乌克兰主权。现在,乌克兰战争爆发一周年将至,中方今天上午发布了《全球安全倡议概念文件》,在此背景下,中方在上述问题上的立场是否有变化?  Reuters: Just now you talked about how the GSI looks to promote the UN Charter. Now, I remember clearly a year ago, colleagues of mine and many other journalists asked you and your colleagues about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and said, does China see this as a breach of Ukraine’s sovereignty according to the UN principles? Now a year later we’re coming up to the anniversary of the invasion. Has China’s view on this changed at all, perhaps in light of this paper that was released earlier today?

汪文斌:我不明白你提的这个问题当中有什么样的逻辑。我看不出来你提的问题和我们讲的尊重联合国宪章宗旨和原则有什么矛盾。如果你有疑问的话,我愿意再给你做一些解释。  Wang Wenbin: I do not see the logic in your question or any contradiction between your question and China’s commitment to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. I can say a few more words on this subject in case you still have questions about it.

习近平主席提出的全球安全倡议,坚持共同、综合、合作、可持续的安全观,以构建安全共同体为长远目标,旨在走出一条对话而不对抗、结伴而不结盟、共赢而非零和的新型安全之路。倡议倡导以团结精神适应深刻调整的国际格局,以共赢思维应对复杂交织的安全挑战,回应了国际社会维护世界和平、防止冲突战争的迫切需要,顺应了世界各国坚持多边主义、维护国际团结的共同追求。这些难道不都是和联合国宪章宗旨和原则相吻合的吗?正因为如此,全球安全倡议一经提出,就得到国际社会广泛积极响应,目前已有80多个国家和地区组织表示赞赏支持。  President Xi Jinping proposed the Global Security Initiative (GSI), which upholds the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, pursues the long-term objective of building a security community, and advocates a new path to security featuring dialogue over confrontation, partnership over alliance and win-win over zero-sum. It calls on countries to adapt to the profoundly changing international landscape in the spirit of solidarity, and address the complex and intertwined security challenges with a win-win mindset. It responds to the world’s dire need for safeguarding world peace and preventing conflicts and wars, and meets all countries’ aspiration for upholding multilateralism and defending international solidarity. Aren’t these all in line with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter? The answer is self-evident. Once put forward, the GSI has received extensive and positive response globally. So far, more than 80 countries and regional organizations have commended and expressed support for the GSI.

今天,我们发布了《全球安全倡议概念文件》,阐述倡议的核心理念和原则,明确了重点合作方向和平台机制,具有鲜明的行动导向,为解决全球安全难题提供了更系统的思维、更可行的举措。全球安全倡议服务的是全世界人民的利益,维护的是全世界人民的安宁,相信一定会有更多国家和中方携起手来,推进落实全球安全倡议,以实际行动为动荡变化的时代注入更多稳定性和确定性,共同建设一个更加安全的世界。  Today, China released The Global Security Initiative ConceptPaper. The concept paper expounds the core ideas and principles of the GSI, and identifies the priorities, platforms and mechanisms of cooperation, which are all highly action-oriented and provide a more systemic approach and further practical measures to resolve global security issues. The GSI intends to serve the interests of all and make the world a peaceful place for all. We believe more countries will join hands with China, work to implement the GSI, take real actions to add more stability and certainty to the fluid and changing world, and jointly build a safer world.

总台央广记者:我们注意到,中国生态环境部日前介绍,2022年生态环境质量改善目标顺利完成。请问发言人如何评价中国生态环境的改善对世界生态环境的意义和影响?  CNR: We have noted that China’s Ministry of Ecology and Environment said a few days ago that the goals set for environmental protection in 2022 have been attained. Can you talk about the significance of China’s achievement for global ecological conservation efforts?

汪文斌:我们注意到这个好消息。生态环境部已就此作出详细介绍,表示十年来中国持续深入打好蓝天、碧水、净土保卫战,污染防治向纵深推进,生态环境质量改善成效显著,特别提到中国成为全球大气质量改善速度最快的国家。这一点,相信在座各位记者朋友也有切身体会。2022年,北京蓝天“成绩单”达十年来最优,PM2.5最长连续达标天数由2013年的13天增加到172天,“北京蓝”已经成为常态。  Wang Wenbin: We have noted the good news. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment has offered detailed information on this. They shared how China has made continued efforts to keep our skies blue, waters clear, and lands clean and advanced the battle against pollution over the decade, making notable progress in improving the eco-environment. It mentioned in particular that China is making the fastest progress in air quality improvement. I’m sure you can tell from your personal experience. In 2022, Beijing saw more days with clear skies than any other year in the past decade and PM2.5 levels met the national standard for 172 days in a row, up from the longest stretch of 13 consecutive days in 2013. Blue sky has become the normal in Beijing.?

党的二十大报告指出,要推进美丽中国建设,牢固树立和践行绿水青山就是金山银山的理念,站在人与自然和谐共生的高度谋划发展。当前,绿色发展已成为世界潮流,中国在世界范围内率先实现土地退化“零增长”,2000年以来全球新增绿化面积中约四分之一来自中国。可以说,中国选择绿色发展道路并持续取得可喜成果,为全球生态环境改善和应对气候变化作出了重要贡献。  It was noted in the report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China that we will advance the Beautiful China Initiative, uphold and act on the principle that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, and maintain harmony between humanity and nature when planning our development. Today, green development has become a global trend. China is the first country to realize zero net land degradation. Since 2000, China has contributed around one fourth of the newly added green areas in the world. China’s commitment to a path of green development and the sustained, inspiring progress it has achieved has contributed significantly to global efforts to protect the eco-environment and respond to climate change.

“人不负青山,青山定不负人”。未来我们将继续以习近平生态文明思想为指导,深入推进生态文明建设,让绿色成为美丽中国最鲜明、最厚重、最牢靠的底色。我们也将继续与各国团结合作,进一步凝聚绿色发展共识,建设更加清洁美丽的世界,汇聚构建人类命运共同体的强大合力。  If we humanity do not fail Nature, Nature will not fail us. We will continue to be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization and advance ecological conservation and environmental protection to make sure that green will be a defining, profound and underlying feature of a beautiful China. We will also strengthen solidarity and cooperation with other countries to expand consensus on green development, build a cleaner and more beautiful world, and seek greater synergy in building a community with a shared future for mankind.?

路透社记者:听说博鳌亚洲论坛将于3月底左右在海南举办。中方会否邀请一些外国领导人、政府官员以及企业负责人等参加疫后首次线下博鳌亚洲论坛?  Reuters: We learned that the Boao Forum for Asia will be held in Hainan around the end of March. Will China invite foreign leaders, government officials and business leaders to the first Boao Forum held physically after COVID began??

汪文斌:感谢你对博鳌亚洲论坛的关注。今年的博鳌亚洲论坛确实值得大家关注,相关情况我们会适时发布消息。  Wang Wenbin: We appreciate your interest in Boao Forum for Asia. This year’s forum is indeed the event to watch. We will release more information on it in due course.

日本富士电视台记者:在日本东京上野动物园生活了5年多的大熊猫“香香”今天回到中国。中方对此有何感想?她在两国关系中扮演了什么样的角色?中方对今后的中日关系有何期待?  Fuji TV: The giant panda Xiang Xiang is on her way back to China today after living for over five years in Ueno Zoo in Tokyo, Japan. Would China like to comment on this? What role has Xiang Xiang played in bilateral relations? What’s China’s expectation for its relations with Japan?

汪文斌:我们和你一样也都关注中国大熊猫“香香”,她是中日双方开展大熊猫保护研究合作的重要成果,更是促进两国友好交流的可爱使者。2017年“香香”出生以来,在两国社会各界的关爱呵护下健康茁壮成长,一直深受日本民众的喜爱。“香香”同其他旅居日本的大熊猫家族一道,为增进中日两国人民友好作出了独特贡献。  Wang Wenbin: Like you, we have been following the news about China’s giant panda Xiang Xiang. She is an important part of our cooperation with Japan on giant panda conservation and research, and also a beloved goodwill ambassador for the friendly exchanges between the two countries.?Since she was born in 2017, Xiang Xiang has grown up healthily thanks to the care and love of peoples from various quarters of both China and Japan. She is loved by people in Japan. Together with other giant pandas 不管是自考本科还是函授本科都适合在职人员选择都不影响工作,都可以拿到国家承认的本科毕业证书然而在实际选择上,它们俩有一些细节差别这些地方决定了在职人员适合自考还是函授的一、难度难度大就需要你花时间和精力去学习,自考就是这种;自考的话每门专业基本上都有十几门课程,每门课程60分合格,因此,没有时间学习的在职人员就不适合自考这一种类型;同样自考难度分专业、分类型!living in Japan, Xiang Xiang has made unique contribution to the friendship between the Chinese and Japanese peoples.

根据中日双方关于大熊猫保护合作协议的约定,“香香”原定2019年返回中国,但因受疫情影响而推迟。经中日双方充分精心准备,“香香”将于今天回到中国。我们注意到,近期日方为“香香”举办了一系列送行活动,闻讯前来的日本民众排起长队同她依依惜别。我们非常理解日本民众的不舍之情。我们要告诉大家的是,中日双方将继续开展大熊猫保护研究合作,希望“香香”们不断给中日两国人民带来欢乐与友好。我们也欢迎广大日本民众来中国看望“香香”和她的伙伴们。  According to the cooperation agreement between China and Japan on giant panda conservation, Xiang Xiang had originally been scheduled to return to China in 2019, but due to the COVID pandemic, the trip was postponed. Thanks to the thoughtful preparations of both sides, Xiang Xiang will come back today. We have seen recently that people in Japan have organized a number of events to bid farewell to Xiang Xiang. Many waited 升职加薪、找工作通过自考的学历找工作的,在选择专业的时候,最好以兴趣爱好为根本,以就业为导向。选择标准:符合职业规划、对工作内容有所助益、实用性强专业推荐:工商企业管理、行政管理、会计、计算机类专业(具体要由考生自主分析选择)会计专业不多说,就业行业广,前景稳定;计算机类型专业,IT行业的高薪是有目共睹的,但想从事IT行业,往往是需要相关专业的背景。工商管理,平均薪资高,就业范围广,创业者必备。in long lines to say goodbye to her.?We fully understand why people in Japan are reluctant to see Xiang Xiang leave. We would like to tell you that China and Japan will continue to engage in cooperation on giant panda conservation and research. We hope giant pandas like Xiang Xiang will bring more joy and goodwill to the peoples of both countries. People from Japan are more than welcome to visit Xiang Xiang and her pals in China.?

中方在中日关系上的立场是一贯的。希望日方和中方一道,共同构建契合新时代要求的中日关系。  As for our relations with Japan, our position is consistent. We hope the Japanese side will work with us to build a China-Japan relationship that can meet the requirements of the new era.

深圳卫视记者:据报道,19日,巴西圣保罗州北部沿海地区暴雨引发洪水和山体滑坡,已致40人死亡,至少40人失踪。中方是否将向巴方表示慰问? 专业科目数量,直接决定了你的毕业速度。#考研、公务员这种时候,不光要考虑快速毕业,还要考虑专业对口了。选择标准:符合招考要求,专业尽量对口,容易考高分。有考研打算的同学,在选择专业,尽量选择与考研专业对口的专业,这样在参加硕士考试时更容易备考,在面试时也更容易受到主考老师的青睐。  Shenzhen TV: Up to 40 people have been killed and another 40 gone missing in flooding and landslides in the northern coast of S?o Paulo state, Brazil on February 19. Will China extend sympathies to the Brazilian side??

汪文斌:中方注意到巴西圣保罗州发生暴雨灾害并造成人员伤亡的消息。我们对遇难者表示哀悼,向遇难者和失踪者家属以及灾区人民表示慰问。中方祝愿伤者早日康复,灾区人民早日战胜困难,重建家园。  Wang Wenbin: China has seen the reports about the deadly heavy rains in S?o Paulo state. We mourn for the people who lost their lives, and express our sympathies to the families of the victims, those who have been missing and the people in the affected area. China wishes the people who have been injured a speedy recovery and hope the affected people will get through this difficult time and rebuild their home soon.

凤凰卫视记者:据报道,16日,美国国会参议员鲁比欧、默克利提交“香港经济贸易办事处认证法案”草案,要求重新评估香港经贸办性质和地位。报道称,如法案通过,美国总统应在30天内确认是否继续给予香港经贸办有关外交特权和豁免等。如未能通过确认,经贸办必须在6个月内关停。中方对此有何评论?  Phoenix TV: According to reports, on February 16, US Senators Marco Rubio and Jeff Merkley introduced the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office Certification Act, requiring a review of the nature and status of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices (HKETOs). The legislation would require the President, 30 days after enactment, to certify whether HKETOs in the United States merit the extension of privileges, exemptions, and immunities that they currently maintain. If the President certifies that the HKETOs do not merit diplomatic immunities, the HKETOs will terminate their operations within six months. What’s China’s comment?

汪文斌:你提到的有关议员一贯反华。经贸办事处是香港特区政府在海外设立的经济和贸易机构,其成功顺利运作有利于扩大香港同有关国家及地区的经贸务实合作,是互利共赢的事。香港是美国最大经贸顺差来源地,美国每年对港贸易顺差超过200亿美元,美方此举只能搬起石头砸自己的脚。  Wang Wenbin: The Senators you mentioned are long-time China hawks. The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices (HKETOs) are economic and trade organizations set up by the Hong Kong SAR government overseas. Their smooth operation is beneficial for Hong Kong and the host countries and regions as they serve to expand practical economic and trade cooperation. Among all economies, Hong Kong is the largest source of trade surplus for the US, which exceeds $20 billion annually. The proposed legislative measures will shoot the US in the foot.

《中国日报》记者:我们注意到,中共中央政治局委员、中央外事工作委员会办公室主任王毅日前访问意大利和匈牙利。发言人能否介绍访问有关情况?  China Daily: Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Wang Yi visited Italy and Hungary recently. Can you share more with us about the visit??

汪文斌:近日,王毅同志访问了意大利、匈牙利。访意期间,王毅会见了意大利总统马塔雷拉和副总理兼外长塔亚尼。王毅表示,中方高度重视中意关系,愿同意方深化全面战略合作,使两国关系实现更高水平发展。中国已成功控制疫情,将继续成为世界经济的引擎,也会为中意合作带来新机遇。中意应全面重启各层级交往,进一步挖掘共建“一带一路”合作潜力,加强各领域互利合作,推动中意关系发展取得更多积极成果。中方愿同意方共同维护联合国核心地位,倡导和践行多边主义,为世界和平稳定和中欧关系健康发展发挥建设性作用。  Wang Wenbin: Director Wang Yi visited Italy and Hungary a few days ago. During his visit to Italy, Director Wang Yi met with Italian President Sergio Mattarella and Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani. Wang Yi said China attaches great importance to relations with Italy and stands ready to work with Italy to deepen comprehensive strategic cooperation, with a view to realizing even higher-level development of bilateral relations. As China has successfully put the pandemic under control, China will continue to be an engine of the world economy and bring new opportunities for China-Italy cooperation. He noted that China and Italy should fully resume exchanges at various levels, further tap into the potential of Belt and Road cooperation, strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation in various areas and work for a more productive China-Italy relationship. China is ready to work with Italy to jointly safeguard the central role of the United Nations in the international system, uphold and practice multilateralism, and play a constructive role in promoting world peace and stability as well as the sound development of China-EU relations.

意方表示,愿本着相互理解、相互尊重精神推动意中关系发展,深化经贸、文化等领域合作。意方期待同中方尽快重启双边合作机制,加强各领域互利合作。当前形势下,欧中合作对于应对全球挑战至关重要。意方支持欧盟发展对华关系,重视安理会改革等国际事务,愿同中方加强协调配合。  The Italian side expressed readiness to promote the development of Italy-China relations and deepen cooperation in economy and trade, culture and other areas in the spirit of mutual understanding and mutual respect. Italy expects to work with China to resume various cooperation mechanisms as soon as possible and strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields. Under the current circumstances, EU-China cooperation is crucial to tackling global challenges. Italy supports the European Union in developing relations with China. It attaches importance to international affairs such as the reform of the UN Security Council and stands ready to strengthen coordination and collaboration with China in this regard.

访问匈牙利期间,王毅分别会见匈牙利总理欧尔班和外长西雅尔多。王毅表示,匈牙利是中国在欧洲的好朋友,双方相互尊重、相互理解、相互信任,结下了深厚友谊。中方坚定奉行对匈友好政策,支持匈方从本国人民根本利益出发采取的内外政策。愿同匈方一道,抓住中国优化疫情防控政策、经济强劲复苏的机遇,发挥各自优势,推动基础设施、投资、贸易、旅游等合作取得新进展,共建“一带一路”合作迈上新台阶。中方赞赏匈方积极支持中欧关系发展,愿同匈方共同践行多边主义,维护国际关系基本准则,为世界提供更多稳定性。  During his visit to Hungary, Wang Yi met with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor?Orbán and Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó. Wang Yi said Hungary is a good friend of China in Europe, and the two sides have respected, understood and trusted each other and have forged deep friendship. China firmly follows a friendly policy toward Hungary, and supports Hungary in adopting domestic and foreign policies based on the fundamental interests of its own people. China is ready to work with Hungary to seize the opportunities presented by China’s optimized COVID measures and robust economic rebound. Both sides need to leverage their strength, work for new progress in cooperation in infrastructure, investment, trade and tourism, and elevate Belt and Road cooperation to a new level. China appreciates Hungary’s active support for the growth of China-EU relations, and is ready to jointly practice multilateralism, defend the basic norms in international relations, and make the world a more stable place.

匈方感谢中方在政治、经济、抗疫等领域给予的真诚支持。感谢中方将匈牙利作为首批试点出境团队旅游目的地国家之一,期待同中方进一步加强经贸、相互投资、农业等领域合作。匈方表示坚定不移奉行对华友好政策,将积极参与高质量共建“一带一路”,加快匈塞铁路建设,继续为促进欧中关系发展做出不懈努力。  The Hungarian side thanked China for its sincere support in political and economic fields and on COVID response. Hungary thanked China for having Hungary as one of the first pilot countries for receiving group tourists from China. Hungary looks forward to further strengthening cooperation in business and trade, mutual investment and agriculture with China. The Hungarian side pursues a friendly policy toward China, and will actively participate in high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, speed up the construction of the Budapest-Belgrade Railway, and continue to make relentless efforts for the growth of EU-China relations.

访问期间,王毅还分别同意方、匈方就乌克兰问题深入交换了意见。王毅强调,在乌克兰问题上,中国所做的一直是劝和促谈。形势越复杂,越需要坚持政治外交努力,寻找各方都能接受的解决办法。意方、匈方赞赏中方在乌克兰问题上秉持的客观公正立场,表示愿同中方加强合作,共同为劝和促谈做出努力。  During the visit, Wang Yi also exchanged views on the Ukraine issue with the Italian side and the Hungarian side respectively. Wang Yi stressed that on the Ukraine issue, China has been committed to promoting peace talks. The more complicated the situation is, the more necessary it is to stick to political and diplomatic efforts to find a solution acceptable to all parties. Both Italy and Hungary appreciate China’s objective and impartial position on Ukraine, and said they are ready to strengthen cooperation with China to jointly work for peace talks.

路透社记者:欧盟外交与安全政策高级代表博雷利表示,如果中国向俄罗斯提供武器,那将是一条“红线”。中方对此有何评论?  Reuters: EU senior official Josep Borrell said that if China sent arms to Russia, this would be a red line. What’s China’s comment?

汪文斌:我刚才已经阐明了中方相关立场。中方始终坚持通过对话谈判解决相关问题,始终站在和平一边。有关方面不应当误解误判。  Wang Wenbin: I just stated China’s position on the issue. China is committed to resolving the relevant issue through dialogue and negotiation. We always stand on the side of peace. Parties concerned should not misinterpret or misunderstand China’s position.

路透社记者:美国总统拜登日前访问乌克兰并同乌克兰总统会见。请问中方对此有何评论?中方领导人会否访乌?  Reuters: What’s China’s comment on US President Joe Biden’s visit to Ukraine? Will the Chinese leader visit Ukraine too?

汪文斌:我们注意到相关报道。乌克兰危机爆发近一年来的事实表明,冲突战争没有赢家,对话谈判才是解决之道。各方尤其是大国,应该采取负责任态度,为劝和促谈创造条件,多做有利于政治解决的事,而不应火上浇油,更不能趁机牟利。中方始终站在和平一边,站在正义一边,我们将继续为劝和促谈发挥建设性作用。  Wang Wenbin: We have noted reports about President Biden’s visit to Ukraine. What has happened over the past 12 months has shown that conflicts produce no winner and dialogue and negotiation is the only way out. All parties, especially major countries, should act in a responsible manner, create conditions conducive to peace talks, and do more things that would contribute to a political settlement rather than fan the flames or profit from the situation. China has been on the side of peace and justice. We will continue to play a constructive part in promoting peace talks.
