

What actually matters at the end of life?


At the end your life, you won't be worry about your nice car and nice house. At the end of your life, you won't be worry 个人建议:无基础有一定的难度还是建议先看看书再决定,中国语文博大精深!07视觉传达设计小自考专业;对于想报名设计类的考生来说,最热门且毕业时间快,小自考校考,统考科目少3门左右,一年五次考试机会,最快1.5年毕业!是目前自考开考专业中比较简单且毕业快的专业!以上就是广东成人自考本科通过率高的7大专业推荐,很多专业都不要考到英语,但是如果需要拿学位证的还是需要考试英语的哦! about your body. At the end of your life, you won't be worry about how much money you gathered. At the end of you life, the only thing that will matter is if you had a worthy life. Did you dare when you were scared? Did you jump when you were afraid? Did you you give a hand to someone? Did you love? Did you accept yourself as you are?When you will be on your deathbed, the only question you may ask to yourself will be: Did my journey on this earth mattered? This why I am saying, as long we have the air in our lungs, we need to strive for the highest version of ourselves and break free from the bondage. If I could wish one thing to any human being in this world including myself, it would be to attain the self-realization in this very life, to leave this world free of fear and its illusions, to grasp the truth about oneself. So remember, what will matter at the end of your life, it's not how long you will live, but the quality of the life you will lead.

在你生命的尽头,你不会担心你的名车豪宅。在你生命的尽头,你不会担心你的身体。在你生命的尽头,你不会再担心你攒了多少钱。在你生命的尽头,唯一重要的是你是否活得有价值。你害怕的时候勇敢吗? 你害怕的时候会做出判断吗? 你你帮过别人吗? 你去爱了吗? 你接受真实的自己吗? 当你弥留之际,你可能会问自己的唯一问题是: 我在这个世界上的旅程有什么意义吗? 这就是为什么我说,只要我们的肺里还有空气,我们就需要努力成就最好的自己,摆脱束缚。如果我能对这个世界上的任何人 (包括我自己) 许下一个愿望,那就是在今生实现自我,让这个世界摆脱恐惧和幻想,把握关于自己的真相。所以请记住,在你生命的尽头,重要的不是你能活多久,而是你将过什么样的生活。
Chris Bishton, Lives in Liverpool, UK
I've had to think about this recently, due to certain circumstances. For me it always comes down the connections you've made. I know my final thoughts will be of my girl(daughter) my sister and my mum. These have always been the most important relationships I've had. I've always said how important family is, but recently I've added a caveat. It should be family who make you feel loved, respected, liked, supported, understood, cared for and safe. For too long I put up with ‘family’ making me feel like I'm tolerated, scrutinized, judged, disliked and disapproved of. Well over a decade I felt like that, and when it was brought up I got gaslit to within an inch of my life, very Christian and ethical don't you think? Life is just too short.
All in all I've lived free, lived how I wanted to live, done as I pleased and felt all possible human emotions there is to feel.
My legacy is my girl, and she is blardy wonderful. She's so smart, funny, intuitive and compassionate. The world will be a better place with her in it, so all in all I'm happy about that.

由于某些情况,我最近不得不考虑这个问题。对我来说,它总是取决于你建立的联系。我知道我最后想的会是我的女儿、妹妹和妈妈。这些一直是我拥有的最重要的人际关系。我总是说家庭是多么重要,但最近我加了一个警告。应该是家人让你感受到爱、尊重、喜欢、支持、理解、关心和安全。长期以来,“家庭”让我觉得自己被容忍、被审视、被评判、不喜欢和不认可。十多年来,我一直这么觉得,当这个问题被提出来的时候,我差一点点就死了,非常基督教和道德,你不觉得吗? 生命太短暂了。
Alex Marshi, earning masters degree in clinical psychology
This question makes me think of an article I read about the top five regrets of the dying.
Those regrets are as follows:
1. I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
2. I wish I hadn't worked so hard.
3. I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings.
4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.
This final regret is profound and its explanation sheds light into existence itself:
“Many did not realize until the end that happiness is a choice. They had stayed stuck in old patterns and habits. The so-called 'comfort' of familiarity overflowed into their emotions, as well as their physical lives. Fear of change had them pretending to others, and to their selves, that they were content, when deep within, they longed to laugh properly and have silliness in their life again."
In my interpretation, the things that matter most in the end are the people you loved and the impact you had on the world around you.
Every moment devoid of misery 常见转专业为大自考转小自考,目的是考的时间太多年了,为了快速拿证。2022广东10月自考已经结束,相信各位同学现在最关心的问题就是10月自考成绩查询时间以及23年1月自考报名报考时间,在此整理了相关事项通知,帮助各位同学提前了解,早做准备0123年1月报名报考时间1月自考报名报考时间将于11月中旬进行通知。要及时进行成绩查询/报考通知/报考快速通道请点击下方二维码第一时间接收资讯。 is a miracle and deserves to be celebrated.

1. 我希望我有勇气活出真实的自己,而不是别人期望我过的生活。
2. 我希望我没有那么努力工作。
3. 我希望我有勇气表达我的感受。
4. 我希望我一直和朋友们保持联系。
5. 我希望我让自己更快乐。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The Peace….
Yes, No matter how much amount of money you have earned in your whole life but at the end how happy you actually are??Also in our day to day lives everyone struggles alot both physically and emotionally and at the end of the day everyone craves for that inner peace and satisfaction. Also the definition of successful person is so subjective in nature that one cannot 完成报名后的自考新生可以和老生一样进行报考。3、报考考生通过广东省自学考试管理系统报考课程,考生可根据各考区考位供给情况选择考区报考,每个考生每次考试只能报考一次,且只能选择一个考区参加考试。最后,缴费成功才表明本次报名报考成功。大家都知道广东自考有大自考和小自考之分,毕业证和含金量都是一样的,区别在于课程考核的形式和难度。对于学习时间比较少,又想尽快考完拿证的同学,一年5次考期的小自考是最适合不过的了。 comment on it.But of course to be emotionally strong in your whole journey is what one needs to bring stability in life.

是的,不管你一生赚了多少钱,但你最终会有多幸福? 在我们的日常生活中,每个人都在身体和情感上挣扎,在一天结束的时候,每个人都渴望内心的平静和满足。而且,成功人士的定义本质上是主观的,人们无法评论它。当然,在你的整个旅程中保持情感上的坚强是一个人所需要的,才能带来稳定的生活。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jay Spinsy,Works in Animal CareOct 9
Not the pain you’ve experienced, the stressful responsibilities and woes in life, nor the worries of what comes next. Rather, the joy you’ve experienced and the meaningful relationships you made. What matters in the end is whether or not you enjoyed yourself and if you are happy with your results. Even if you aren’t, it’s important to think of the little moments. Those moments where you did have joy and you loved every moment of living.
In an expeditious world, it’s easy to get wrapped up the 广东省2023年1月高等教育自学考试将于1月7日至8日举行。报名报考有关事项安排如下:一、报名报考时间新生预报名时间为11月22日10:00至25日12:00;正式报名时间为11月22日10:00至25日17:00;考生报考时间为11月29日14:00至12月2日17:00;缴费时间为11月30日10:00至12月3日17:00。二、报名条件凡在我省居住和工作的中华人民共和国公民,不受性别、年龄、民族、种族和已受教育程度的限制,均可参加我省自学考试。港澳和台湾同胞、海外侨胞及外籍人士,也可按规定参加我省自学考试。 duties of life and the struggles causing you to experience the sense of dread knowing some day you’ll pass having done nothing important. While it is imperative to plan for the future, it’s also important to take time for yourself and appreciate the small things in front of you. There’s no guarantee these moments will last forever, so one must make the most of it. Don’t worry too much about what is ahead, and know it’s never too late to enjoy yourself. Take control of your life and do what makes you happy, regardless of what others think. Love, relish, and embrace every split second.

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Kameron Ecgberht,Former Intelligence Analyst (2011–2017)
What matters is that we brushed our teeth atleast twice a day. Took our vitamins. Read from the Bible everyday. Took care of our loved ones. Tried our best in the career world. Got an education and then kept on enhancing that education daily. If we worried more about establishing integrity rather than dominance, we will have made our life more meaningful. Life is about playing our part in making this world a better place.
